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Seems Impossible

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5


2 pudding cups
2 spoons
Pitcher of water
Index card
Large Bowl



A couple weeks ago we started talking about Proverbs 3:5. Today I want to continue. Once you decide to live for Jesus, the most important lesson for you to learn is how to trust Him with all your heart. In your life you will face a lot of challenging situation. When you place your trust in Jesus, He will always help you during those situations. If you handle them without Jesus you will make a mess of your life.

Bible Verse:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

(Review using different voices)

Object Lesson #1:

Directions: Take a glass and fill it with water. Put an index card over the top and then turn the glass over. Hold it over a bowl. Ask the audience – What is going to happen when I let go of the index card? Let go of the index card. (Results – it will stay in place and the water will stay in the glass.)

Discussion: We will face a lot of situations in our life where we are sure we know what is going to happen in the end. Maybe the end doesn’t look too good for us. When we decide to trust in God-the end could be something we totally didn’t expect.

Example: Daniel in the lion’s den – Daniel obeyed God by praying even when a law was passed which stated he was not supposed to pray. When he obeyed God, He was thrown in the lion’s den. This did not look good for Daniel. Daniel continued to trust God. Something happened in the situation that was totally unexpected – God closed the mouths of lions. Daniel was safe. Daniel found himself in a difficult situation. Daniel put his trust in God, and God delivered him from Death.

Object Lesson #2:

Directions: Have 2 children come to the front and sit down. Explain that they are going to eat these puddings. The person who eats their pudding first is the winner. First we have to do something – Tie them up. Now on “Go” you are to eat the pudding. (If they were smart they would ask someone from the audience to help them)

Discussion: It looked like both of you faced an impossible task, but you didn’t. There is a way for you to eat your pudding. Does anyone have any suggestions? Ask for help!!

A lot of time we struggle through situations all on our own. God is just waiting to help us and all we have to do is ask Him. God wants us to depend on Him. When we depend on God, we will be able to face the impossible.

Conclusion: When Daniel was in the Lions Den he had to depend on God. He couldn’t fight off the lions. There was nothing he could do to keep the lions from eating him.

Boys and girls, the most important lesson we need to learn is how to trust in Jesus in every situation.