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The Price is Right

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: For you were bought at a price… 1 Corinthians 6:20




Introduction (Michelle): I thought it would be fun to play a game in Kids Club. Who has ever heard of the old game show “The Price Is Right”? Today we are going to play the Kidz Club version of “The Price is Right”.

Since this is a live broadcast, it is very important that you follow a few simple rules to follow. While the show is running we need quiet. When you see the “Applause” sign, you need to “Applause”. (Practice)

Let’s all welcome the host of our show “IP DAILY” (Applause)

Host (Eric): Welcome Everyone to The Price is Right. Today a few lucky people in the audience will have the opportunity to compete in “The Price is Right” (Applause)

For the first round, a lucky person from the audience will be chosen to pick the correct price for the item under box #1.

The lucky person is: ____________________________ (Applause)

___________ in just a few minutes we are going to reveal the item under box #1. You have to decide if the item is worth (list the 3 prices on the paper). Once you make your final choice you are to hold what you think is the correct price above your head. You will be given just 20 seconds to make your choice. Are you ready?

Let’s see what is under box #1 . . . . . and now you have 20 seconds to decide how much it would cost.

You have guessed correctly. You have just won yourself (whatever was under the box). Or, Sorry you have guessed incorrectly, but thank you for playing with us today.

Now for the second round of “The Price Is Right”. (Applause) I am now going to pick another lucky person from the audience to come on down and choose the correct price for the item under box # 2.

The lucky person is: ____________________________________ (Applause)

_____________ we are going to play this round the same as the last round. In just a few minutes I am going to reveal the item under box #2, and you have to decide whether it is worth (list the 3 prices). Once you make your final choice you are to hold what you think is the correct answer above your head. You will have 20 seconds to make your correct answer. Are you ready?

Let’s see what is under box #2 . . . . . and now you have 20 seconds to decide how much it would cost.

You have guessed correctly. You have just won yourself (whatever was under the box). Or, sorry you have guessed incorrectly, but thank you for playing with us today.

Now we are going to play the third and final round.

This round is a little different than the past two rounds. The lucky person chosen to play from the audience has to guess what they think the price is on the item under box #3.

Let’s see who the lucky person is going to be. LINDSIE

Lindsie - once you say a price, I will tell you if you have to go higher or lower. You will have 20 seconds to get your bid right. If you guess the right price you get to take home the prize.

Are you ready? Let’s see what is under Box #3 – EMILIE

Lindsie you have 20 seconds to guess how much it would cost to buy Emilie.

(Lindsie should guess higher and higher but the answer is still wrong)

I am sorry Lindsie you were wrong. You played a great game


Who wants to see how much Emilie cost?

(Turn over the price tag)

The price tag on Emilie says JESUS.

Thank you very much for joining us for the Kidz Club version of “The Price Is Right” (Applause)

Conclusion (Michelle):
-Who had fun playing this game?
-We can learn a very important lesson from the fun we had today.
-Just like Emilie we all have a price tag on us because we all have sinned.
-The Bible teaches us that God paid the price on us.
-The Bible says, “You (that means me) were bought by God for a price
-The price God paid was more than ever has been paid for anything else in the world.
-The price was the life of Jesus.
-Jesus paid the price of His life so our sins could be forgiven and so we could have Eternal life.
-What does Eternal life mean?
-Jesus died for us so we are forgiven and so we can live forever.