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Don’t Be A Fake

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourself. James 1:22




Once there was a man traveling across the country in his car. He checked his road map to find any possible sort cuts to the place he wanted to go. He had to cross a large desert area where there were no towns. Only two big highways crossed that desert: one was well traveled and had many rest stops and service stations, the other was very old and in bad repair, and seldom used. The man decided to use the old highway.

When the man came to the cut-off for the old highway, it was late at night. There wasn’t a car in sight, nevertheless, he traveled on. Suddenly, his car began to sputter. The engine wasn’t running right. The car gave a loud band and the motor stopped. The driver coasted to a stop. He got out of the car and opened the hood. It was so dark; it was impossible for the man to see.

The best thing seemed to be to walk down the highway. The nearest station was forty miles, but maybe someone would pass along and help the man. No so. Not one trace of humanity could be seen or heard along that lonely stretch of road. The man kept walking.

The sun came peeping over the hills in the east. The heat of the day was only a few hours away, and the man knew how hot the desert was in the summer. He kept walking. No cars, no planes, nothing but cactus, sand and the old highway. Thirst began to come. The man had to find water and food. His strength was fading, for he hadn’t eaten anything in over a day now.

All day long, he walked in the hot desert sun. There were no cars, nothing but sand and cactus. He was glad to see the sun set. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer in the hot temperature. The night was cooler but very dark. The may lay down on the warm sand and slept. Thirsty, hungry and tired the man slept until the hot sun woke him up the next day.

Rising up, the man walked to the top of a small rise in the sand nearby. He scanned the area for signs of water, food, or help of any kind. There was nothing. He walked back to the highway and down the road toward the next town-could he last another day in the heat without water and food?

After walking all day in the sun, the man came to a dirt road. The road left the highway at the right and traveled in a straight line to the top of a rise. The man thought surely there must be a house or cabin beyond the hill. He took twenty to reach the top. He looked over the sprawling flat land before him. About 5 miles in the distance he saw a cabin. How beautiful it looked!!! The man ran down the dusty road as the evening shadows began to fall. He ran for a while. He walked. His body was screaming for water. Hunger swelled in his stomach.

The cabin came closer. There was a car outside! The man put all his strength into his walk. He came to the yard of the cabin. He stumbled past the car toward the cabin door. It was locked. When he looked to the side of the cabin and saw a well. He ran over and looked in it. It was EMPTY!

He went back to the door. He pushed and beat it down with the last ounces of his strength. He looked around the dark cabin for food and drink.

Although it was very dark, the man could tell the cabin was furnished. He found his way to the kitchen. There were candles in the cupboard. He lit one. There was nothing in the refrigerator. He looked around the sink. No water. The cupboards were completely bare. The man turned and looked on the dining room table. There was a bowl of delicious fruit. He grabbed a piece of fruit. He bit into it. It was artificial! It was fake! All the trouble he had gone through to get to the cabin and the only thing he found was fake fruit.

Then he remembered he saw a car outside. He ran to the car and tried to start it – nothing. He looked under the hood there was no motor.

Fake fruit! A fake car! He could go on no longer. The thought of being deceived by all these fake things made him hurt all over! The man fell to the ground. All he could think of was how the fake fruit had deceived him. The man thought he was going to die. He saw his life before him – his friends, family and the thing he had done.

He realized He was a fake just like the fruit and the car. You see he remember when he was young that he decided to live for Jesus in Sunday School. He remembered that all these years he told lots of people that he was a Christian, but really he was a fake.

What would make someone a fake Christian? Someone who says they are a Christian but doesn’t act like one.

The man realized that his actions did not show that he was a Christian. He realized that he did not do what God wanted him to. He realized that he did not walk talk and live like Jesus. He remembered that going to church and saying you’re a Christian does not make you one.

The man prayed and asked God to forgive him. He fell asleep. When he woke up, the owner of the cabin was taking care of him.