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I Have A Plan For You

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


Signs for Bible characters
Scrap paper



-Who here has ever helped your mom or dad plan a special day or trip or party?
-You talk about
-What you are going to do.
-What you are going to eat.
-Who you are going to invite
-Before you were even born God made special plans for you.
-He gave you special desires in your heart.
-He gave you special talents.

God has a purpose for everyone’s life
-Who has trees near your house?
-There are big trees and little trees, medium size trees.
-Show the different leaves and nuts. Name a few different trees
-Maple trees
-We get maple syrup from a certain kind of maple tree
-Canada has a maple leaf on its flag.
-Oak trees
-Produce acorns (squirrel food, deer and pigs eat them too)
-Useful for firewood
-Useful for making furniture
-Pine tree
-Have pine cones
-Are used to make telephone pole, toothpicks, paper, and cardboard boxes
-Just like every tree has a special and different purpose, we all have a special purpose.
-We are all different.
-We all have different purposes.
-We are all special.

God wants us to use the special talents He has given to us.
-I brought some things from around my house that have a specific job.
-This is my cup. Ever morning I drink juice out of this cup. Sometimes at night I like to have cookies and milk-I like to dip my cookies in my cup of milk.
-These are my scissors. They help me cut paper, and string for different projects. When I cut with scissors the paper I cut always looks neat.
-This is one of my favorite pictures. This picture hangs on the wall of my house and reminds me of …This is the light from my bedroom. Every night before I go to bed I like to read. I use this light to see what I am reading.
-These are my slippers. When it is cold in my house I put my slippers on to keep my fee warm. They fit me just right.
-It would look silly if I tied to eat with the scissors, or tried to drink out of my slippers.
-It would be dangerous if I used the lamp to warm up my feet.
-You see each object was created with a special purpose in mind. That is what we use them for.
-It is the same with us. We were all created with a special purpose and plan. God gave us all special gifts. We need to use those gifts.
-Not everyone has the same gifts.
-I can’t play the drums. If I played on the worship team it would sound terrible.
-I am not good at football. If I played on the Buffalo Bills football team. They would lose every game for sure.
-I am not good at repairing things. If I tried to repair the lights in this building I might start a fire.
-I am good at . . .. God wants me to use these talents to please Him.

People in the Bible that used their talents for God.

-God made Samson strong. He used his strength to fight God’s people against the

-God gave David a gift of music. He wrote all the Book of Psalms – Songs to the Lord. He also played the harp before the king.

-God gave King Solomon the gift of wisdom. He was so wise that people came from all over the world to hear him speak.

-Joseph – Jesus dad while he was on earth was a carpenter. God gave him the gift of being able to make things out of wood.

-God gave Paul the gift of writing and teaching. Paul wrote many books in the New Testament, and taught and preached about Jesus all over the world

-Tabitha was a woman in the book of acts known for helping the poor. God gave her the gift of serving and caring for others.

-Hand out scrap paper and pencils to all the kids.
-Have each child write down 3 of their gifts/talents.
-Have them think about ways they can use their gifts for God
(Depending on time and the kids you can have volunteers share and discuss)
Pray with the kids about their gifts and talents