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Watch What You Say

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I have resolved that my mouth will not sin. Psalm 17:3


a bag
clear tape
duct tape



-What happens when you stub your toe?
-Have you ever stubbed your toe and the next thing you knew some really bad words came out of your mouth?
-Have you ever gotten really mad at someone and said some really mean things that you regret latter? – or things you know would make Jesus sad?
-The tongue is one of the hardest things to control – even for someone who has decided to live for Jesus.
-People train elephants and lions to do trick all the time, but the tongue is far more fierce to train than the wildest of wild animals.
-However, if we are going to live the way Jesus wants us to live we have got to learn to keep our tongue under control even when everyone around us does not.
-How do you think we can keep our tongues under control?
-I have a bag of items I thought might work. Lets see what I have and see if they work.
Button – Button up your lip
Zipper – zip your lip
Padlock – put it on so bad words won’t slip out
Glue – glue your lips shut
Duct tape- this would be too painful to rip off
Tape – tape his mouth close but then you can’t hear the important words
-I have one more thing in my bag – A Bible.
-What do you think your do with this?
-The only thing that will tame our tongue is for us to read our Bible.
-We have to fill our minds with good things and then good things come out of our mouths.
-The Bible says that we speak whatever is in our heart.
-If we fill our heart with the Bible and good thoughts – these will come out of our mouth.
-We also have to decide that we are not going to say bad things even if everyone else is.
-Bad words are not just swear word – bad words include name-calling, unkind things we say to others, gossip and talking about others behind their back.
-None of these words should come out of your mouth.
-What are some things you can do when you are in a situation where you feel like saying something bad?
-Walk away
-Say something nice
-Pray to God