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How To Give Your Mind A Bath

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: For as he thinks in his heart, so he is. Proverbs 23:7


surgical garb and instruments
a table
a bed sheet
a bowl
a clear pitcher of water
a scrub brush
a “brain”
fake bugs
a helper.



1. Every Christian must renew his mind -Read Romans 12:2
A. Our minds get dirty and like our bodies, they need a regular bath. Our minds can be affected by things people say and do, and our minds can be affected by music and TV.
B. It is important that every Christian knows how to renew his mind.
(Your helper should enter. You should explain that this person is having a hard time being a Christian because he does not have good thoughts all the time. He needs to give his brain a bath. Prepare him for surgery.)

2. God’s Word is the only thing that can effectively clean our minds - Romans 12:2
(Remove the patient’s brain. It should be covered with slime and bugs.)
A. We have thoughts of doubt about our salvation (remove a bug)
We have attitudes of sin. (Remove a bug)
We can have attitudes of anger and hatred. (Remove a bug)
We can have attitudes of fear. (Remove a bug)
We can have attitudes of rebellion. (Remove a bug)
B. We must soak our minds in God’s word regularly. (Pour water into a bowl. Comment on its purity. The begin to scrub the brain with a brush.)

3. When we renew our minds, we have a new strength to live for God.
(Place the brain under the sheet, pretending to replace in inside the patient’s head. Wake up the patient.)
A. God’s Word gives our minds a clean fresh feeling.
B. We must give our minds a bath everyday. We must clean our mind with the Word of God. God gave us His Word so we could use it.

Closing: You can bath your mind everyday by reading God’s Word and by praying to God. When we read God’s Word everyday our thinking will change to good thoughts (Proverbs 23:7) Who thinks they can start to do this? If you can’t read by yourself maybe you can find someone to help you. Have the children repeat a prayer after you concerning today’s lesson.