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Stay Attached To Jesus

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5


A plant with stems or vines



-Who likes my plant?
-Who likes flowers?
-Has anyone ever helped plant flowers?

-One time when Jesus was talking to some people he compared Himself to a vine.
-Who knows what a vine is? Isn’t that a strange thing for Jesus to compare himself to?
-Jesus said that His followers were like the branches on a vine.
-Who here is a follower of Jesus? What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?
-So if we are followers of Jesus that means that:
-Jesus is like the main part of this plant and we are like these leaves
-Now if I take one of these leaves and break it off what will happen to the leaf?
-Can it grow all by itself?
-In order for it to grow and in order for a flower to grow it must stay attached to the main part of the plant. Why do you think that is?
-The same is true with us. We must stay attached to Jesus if we are going to grow and be strong followers of Jesus.
-If we separate ourselves from Jesus that what is going to happen?
-How do we separate ourselves from Jesus? By sin and disobeying Jesus?
-How do we stay attached to Jesus? – prayer, Kidz Club, Church, Doing what is right
-Now if I left this leaf on this plant eventually a flower may grow or on some plants a fruit or vegetable may grow.
-Jesus told His followers that when we stay attached to Him that we will bear fruit. What do you think that means?
-Bearing fruit has to do with making a difference in the lives of others. When we sty attached to Jesus others will see Jesus in us, and their lives will be changed and they may begin to follow Jesus.