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Self Control

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. Romans 8:8


Big Envelope
Sign in it “You have one a Candy Bar”
12 inch ruler




Give Pastor Eric the envelope to hold

Make him promise not to look in it – just hold it

(He should be behind me while doing the review. He is tempted into opening the envelope. Towards the end of the review, he opens the envelope, sees the sign gets excited and puts it back just before Miss Michelle turns around)

Review the 4 Important Things

A few weeks ago we talked about the fact that what is inside of us is important. We spend lots of time on our outside appearance, but what really matters to God is what is in our heart.

Last week we talked about one quality that should be in our heart. Do you remember what that is? GOD’S LOVE

Nothing can separate us from God’s love. We need to share God’s love with others. We do this by our actions.

Today we are going to look at another quality we need to have inside of us.

Self-Control – what is self-control?

To have authority or power over your actions. To restrain oneself from acting a certain way.

Pastor Eric is demonstrating self-control by not looking in that envelope. Even though he really wants to see is in the envelope. He is restraining from looking in it. He has the power to keep himself from looking in that envelope.

(When I am done bragging on Pastor Eric, he should ask for his candy bar).

Miss Michelle – What candy bar?

Pastor Eric – The prize you said I was going to get if I didn’t look in the envelope.

Miss Michelle – I didn’t tell you about any prize. The only way you knew about a prize was if you looked in the envelope!

Pastor Eric has to admit he had no self-control. He could not restrain himself from looking in the envelope. Miss Michelle admits there is no candy bar.

Object Lesson:
Instructions: You will hold a ruler at the tip so it hangs down. Have Pastor Eric try to catch the ruler between their thumb and fingers when you drop it. They are to position their hand, fingers and thumb spread apart at the lower end of the ruler. Tell them to squeeze their thumb and fingers together to catch the ruler as soon as you drop it.
The ruler will fall 12 inches in approximately .26 seconds. Catching the ruler in the middle would take only about .16 seconds to react. That is fast.
We react to many things without even thinking.
For example, when someone driving a car suddenly sees a dog dart across the road, the driver automatically and quickly reacts by stepping on the break. The driver knew what to do because it is part of learning how to drive. This is a good reaction.
People can also react in the wrong way. For example, if an adult accidentally smashes a finger with a hammer, they may say a few bad words without really meaning to.
On the other hand, when your brother or sister gets a much nicer gift for Christmas, your first reaction may be one of jealousy, even though you know it is wrong to be jealous.
When I dropped this ruler, Pastor Eric already knew what you wanted to do. Catch it. All he needed to do was react as soon as the ruler was dropped. You did not need to think about what to do next.

In life, we will have many situations when we will react without having time to think. As Christians, we need to react in a way that others will see Jesus in us. The only way to know the right way to react is to know what Jesus would want us to do. In addition, the only way to learn this is by reading the Bible and by praying for wisdom. Then we must practice. Before long, reacting the right way can become a good habit!

Bible Verse: Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. Romans 8:8