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#1 God Comes First

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God's Top Ten

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37


loaf of bread
stick of butter
quart of milk
dry erase board and marker
2 sweets



1. Introduction:
Use the following story by inserting the children's suggestions into the corresponding numbered spaces. Before you begin place bread, milk and butter on the table.

One fine day, a boy named (1) was going to the grocery store for his mother. She had given him (4) dollars and asked him to buy three things: a loaf of bread, a stick of butter and a carton of milk.

When (1) got to the store, he saw a beautiful (3) cover with (2) in the window. Make this imaginary treat sound awesome.

Oh how he loved (3) covered with (2). (1) counted the (4) dollars his mom had given him. He didn't have enough money to get everything his mother had asked him to get and that wonderful (3) covered with (2). (1) did have enough money to get just two of the things his mom asked for and (3) covered with (2). Then he could have a delicious treat just for himself.

(1) thought for a while about what he should do. Maybe mom won't mind if I get just two of the things she needs, after all she knows how much I like (3) covered with (2).

So that is exactly what (1) did. He bought a loaf of bread, a carton of milk and a (3) with (2) on top. On his way home he ate every bit of his (3) with (2) on top. It was delicious-the best he had ever had.

When he got home he gave his mom the loaf of bread and the carton of milk. He explained why he only bought 2 of the things on her list. Do you think she was very happy with (1)? No she wasn't. She wasn't happy with (1) because he only did part of what she had asked. She wanted him to do all she had asked.

-God asks us to love him with all our heart (hold up the bread), with all our mind,
(hold up the carton of milk) and with all our soul (hold up the stick of butter)
-Do you think God would be happy if we loved him only partially too?
-God wants us to love Him with everything we have. God wants us to put Him first on our lives.
-The first point in God's Top Ten is "God Comes First" (have the kids repeat it after you)
-Ask: What are some other things we might be tempted to put before God? -Family, friends, music, self

2. Object Lesson: What would you pick?

You need:
1 really big nice piece of candy
1 little piece of candy

-Introduce the story by having 2 pieces of dessert or two candies (one big and one small - the big one should be empty or hollow when opened). Ask the person you are teaching with which one they would choose for themselves, and why? (It should be the biggest)

-This reminds me of a story about a man who made a choice based on what he wanted. He put himself first instead of God and others.

3. The man who put himself first instead of God's plan.

This is the story about two men. One was Abram and one was Lot. They both owned lots of animals (sheep and goats). The animals needed grass to eat and water to drink. The problem was that Abram and Lot's animals kept getting mixed up because there were so many of them. There was not always enough grass or water for all the animals either.

Then the men hired to take care of the animals started fighting and arguing over who got to the river first and over whom certain animals belonged to.

Abram loved God and always put God first. He knew these actions did not please God. So he went to talk to Lot. He said, "Lot this isn't right -all this fighting. We are relatives. Our men should not be arguing like this. We must solve the problem. We must separate."

Now Abram was a generous person, and he never worried about himself because he knew God would take care of him. He told Lot to look around and choose whatever part of the land he wanted.

Lot looked around. Lot always put himself first. On one side he saw lots of hills and sand and on the other side he saw lots of grass. Instead of putting God first and asking God what side he should choose. Lot was selfish and chose the biggest and the best side.

Lot had all kinds of problems. On the side he chose was one of the worst cities ever-Sodom. Once he was even captured and Abram had to rescue him.

-When we do not put God first we do not always make the best decisions.

4. Conclusion
-When we do not put God first:
-We do not always make the best decisions
-We can end up in all kinds of trouble
-When we put God first in our life, he will:
-Help us make wise decision
-Be there for us