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Nothing Is Impossible

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5


25-30 balloons
Have volunteers blow them up




-When you decide to live for Jesus, you need to put your faith in Him.
-What do you think that means?
-When we put our faith in someone we trust them.
-When we put our faith or our trust in Jesus – the situation around us may not look promising.
-We might think these kinds of thoughts
-Jesus can’t handle this
-How is Jesus going to help me through this
-This situation is impossible

-No matter what a situation looks like, we need to trust in Jesus.

Object Lesson:
Today we are going to do something that looks impossible, but it is not. We are going to learn an important lesson about trust.

Instructions: Hand out 25 balloons to different kids. Have them blow it up and tie it. Instruct them not to over fill the balloon with air.

-Turn a table over on its back at the front.
-Have the kids with the blown up balloons come and put the balloons under the table evenly.

Challenge: Now I need a volunteer to come and stand on the table. What do you think will happen if someone stands on the table?

Point: In our minds we think if someone stands on the table that the balloons will pop. It seems that what I am asking you to do is impossible.

Take a step of faith

(Repeat with another person)

You might think this is going to fail!

You might think this will never work!

You might think I am crazy!

You might think this is scary!

Conclusion: Boys and girls, the Bible teaches us in Proverbs 3:5

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”

We all face things in our life where we need to place our trust in God. We all face impossible situations. When we put our trust in God – the impossible becomes possible, and the failures are successful.