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rotten tomatoes

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: bible verses

Verse: He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed. Do not be deceived Evil company corrupts good character. Proverbs 13:20 & 1 Corinthians 15:33


1 plate of 5-6 tomatoes
1-2 tomatoes should be rotten



Introduction: The other day I was cooking. I needed some tomatoes. I went in the fridge where I keep my tomatoes to get one and I found something terrible. The tomato on the top was growing white fur all over it. It was all mushy. Did it ever smell! It was so disgusting it almost made me sick. What was the problem with the tomato.

It was rotten

Object Lesson: Today I brought with me a plate of tomatoes. The tomatoes on the top remind me of what I found in my fridge the other day. The 2 tomatoes right on top are rotten.

Now I have a very important question to ask you today. I want you to listen closely.

The tomatoes on the bottom of the plate – Are they good or rotten? Good

Can those good tomatoes make the rotten tomatoes good? No

Conclusion: We can learn a very important lesson from these tomatoes.

You see, just these good tomatoes cannot change the bad tomatoes we cannot change the people we hang around.

Actually quite the opposite will happen.

If I keep this plate of tomatoes the way it is for a day or so what will happen? The good tomatoes will go bad.

If we hang around the wrong friends, they will begin to affect us.

We will start saying things we don’t want to say. We will start acting in ways we don’t want to act.

The Bible says this about our friends –

He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion (friend) of fools will be destroyed.