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Watch What You Say

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. A wholesome tongue is the tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. I have resolved that my mouth will not sin. Psalm 34:13 & Proverbs 15:4 & Psalm 17:3


2 tubes of toothpaste squeezed out
2 plates
4 volunteers
2 utensils



We have been talking about how important it is to obey God.
How do we show our love to God?
When we decide to live for Jesus we show him we love him by obeying his commands.
Today I want to talk to you about something we all have that can get us into a lot of trouble – can anyone guess what it is?
It is so small but it can get us into a huge amount of trouble
I am using it right now while I am talking to you.

(continue to give hints like: we all have one of these, we use it all the time, they say girls use it more, I couldn’t be here talking to you without it . . .)

Answer: our mouth – our tongue

Today I am going to teach you something very important about our tongues.

-Before class squeeze all the toothpaste out of 2 tubes.
-Give each team 2 straws, 2 plastic knives, and some tooth picks
-On “go” each team has to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
- When I blow the whistle the team that has the most toothpaste in their tube is the winning team.

-Examine what each team has done and act disappointed because they didn’t really do much of anything. You could even give them another minute to really try harder.

-Question each team as to why they didn’t do what they were supposed to – do we need to get other volunteers up hear.

-We can come to a very important conclusion today from this game – does anyone know what it is? – You can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.
-What I asked you to do was impossible. It is impossible to put toothpaste back in the tube once it has been squeezed out.
-Boys and girls-it is impossible to take back words that we have spoken.
-Boys and girls once words come out of our mouth, it is impossible to take them back.

-Who loves God with all their heart?
-Who tries their best to obey God?
-One of the areas we need to obey God in is with what comes out of our mouth.
-The Bible teaches us that it is very hard to get control of our tongue. When we get angry or disagree with something – it is easy to fire unkind words out of our tongue.
-One of the ways we show that we love God is by being careful what we say.
-We need to be very careful about the words that come out of our mouth in every situation.
-Sometimes we face people that make us so made we want to just say all kinds of mean things, but we need to keep our tongue under control

“ I have resolved that my mouth will not sin.” Psalm 17:3