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Magic Money Bags

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things



Magic money change purse
3 hearts with love written on them


(Put one heart in each compartment. Make sure the kids don’t handle the bag.)


-Today we are going to talk about the 4 Most Important Things in the world.
-These 4 things are more important than anything you will ever learn n school or anything your mom and dad will teach you.
-Before we go any further you have to promise that you will never, ever forget the 4 Most Important Things.
(Have the kids stand up, hold up their right hand and promise)

I promise I will never, ever, ever forget the 4 Most Important Things as long as I live. I will write them on my heart. I will tell them to everyone I meet. Even when I am old and I forget who Pastor Eric is I will not forget the 4 Most Important Things.

1 God loves me
-This is the first most important thing – God loves me
-There are many people who think God could not love them. They think they have done so many bad things that God could never love them.
-The Bible teaches in John 3:16 – God so loved the world
-God knows about all the bad things they have done but God still loves them.
-It is important for us all to know that no matter what we look like or what we have done that God loves us very much. He loves us all the same.
(Open up the money bag and have a volunteer take out the heart with the word love written on it. Make sure the kids know the bag is now empty.)

2 I have Sinned
-Everyone not matter how old you are mess up.
-When we mess up and break God’s commandments –then we sin
-Sin is the bad things we do, the things that don’t please God.
-The Bible teaches us that “All have sinned. . . .”
-All means everyone.
-The really great thing is that no matter how much we have sinned, that God still loves us.
-God loves everyone very, very much.

-He loves people no matter what they have done – how bad they have sinned.
-God loves everyone.
-He loves people enough to see past their sin, and see what they could become.

(Open up the money bag and have a volunteer take out the heart with the word love written on it Make sure the kids know the bag is empty.)

3 Jesus Died for me
-God loved us so much that he sent his son Jesus to the earth. Jesus died on the cross for us
-Jesus died because our sin had to be punished
-The Bible teaches “The wages (cost) of sin is death.”
-Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to.
-God showed how much he loves us when he sent his son Jesus to die for us.
-Gods love for us never ends or runs out

(Open the money bag and have a volunteer take out the heart with the word love written on it.)

4. I must decide to live for Jesus
-We need to make a very important decision.
-We need to decide whether or not we are going to love God.
-God loves us not matter what – we need to decide if we are going to love him back.
-We show God we love him by deciding that we are going to live for Jesus.
-That means that our life is not our own. We give Jesus control of our life
-We invite Jesus into our life.
-This is the most important decision you will ever make.
-When we decided to live for Jesus, we get 2 gifts from him
-Jesus forgives us for the bad things we have done – we get a new start
-We get Eternal life – when we are done on earth, we go to live with Jesus in heaven.

Conclusion: Today we can see that God loves us very much – more than we could ever imagine. We need to decide whether we are going to love him back.