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#6 Do Not Murder

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God's Top Ten

Verse: Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21


4 boxes - they should fit inside each other
2 balloons - one labeled hate and the other anger
Candies on a plate



Today we are going to talk about the sixth cool rule that God wants us to follow

1. Anger leads to murder
a. Has anyone here every gotten mad at someone before?
b. We all get angry from time to time. (Hold up small box labeled ANGER)
c. We must be very careful because anger leads to sin.
d. The Bible teaches us that anger in our heart is just as bad as murder.
e. We must not let anger stay in our hearts.
f. How can we get rid of anger?
g. Forgiveness
1.Talking to the person who made us angry
a. If we leave anger in our hearts it turns into something worse-Can anyone guess what that is?
b. It turns into HATE. (Hold up the bigger box labeled HATE. Put ANGER inside of HATE.)
c. Hate is a terrible sin. It causes us to have all kinds of bad feelings towards someone just because:
-Something they said
-Something they did
-The way they look
-Where they live
-The school they attend
a. If you have hate in our heart, you must get rid of it immediately.
b. How can we get rid of hate?
1. Ask Jesus to forgive us
2. Do something nice for the person we "hate"
a. If we do not get rid of hate it leads to something bigger. Can anyone guess what that is?
b. It is FIGHTS. If we hate someone we will eventually try to hurt that person. HATRED leads to FIGHTING. (Pull out a bigger box labeled FIGHTS. Put HATE inside of FIGHTS)
c. What are some of the ways we fight with others?
-Throwing things
a. If we have a lot of ANGER and HATE in our heart, we will find ourselves fighting a lot.
b. When we get older we might find ourselves fighting with weapons like knives and guns.
c. This kind of fighting leads to MURDER. (Bring out the biggest box labeled MURDER and put the box labeled FIGHT inside it.)
d. We may sit here now and say Rule number 6 "Do not Murder" is easy to follow.
e. Murder can start now with ANGER and HATE in our heart.
f. So we need to make sure ANGER AND HATE are never a part of our lives.

2. Conclusion: Getting rid of ANGER and HATE
a. If we have anger and hate in our lives we need to get rid of them.
b. God wants us to be full of His love, joy and peace.
c. Choose a volunteer to come to the front. Give him one ball to hold in one hand labeled ANGER and another ball to hold in the other hand labeled HATE.
d. Explain: this person has hate and anger in their lives but God has something better for them.
e. Hold up pieces of candy (Skittles, M&M, Reese's Pieces). God wants them to be happy - full of His love, His joy, and His peace.
f. What does the person have to do to get what God wants? (Put down ANGER and HATE)
g. Have the person put down the balls, pick up and eat the candy.
h. When we ask God to forgive us for being angry and hateful, we put those things down.
i. Then we need to fill our thoughts, minds, and actions with good things from God by going to Kidz Club, reading the Bible, hanging around good friends.
j. When the devil tries to bring back thoughts of anger and hate we tell Him and the thought to get lost.

Pray with the kids: Possibly challenge them to think if they have anger and hate in their heart that they need to ask Jesus to forgive them for. Then pray accordingly with the kids.