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#10 You Must Not Want What Other People Have

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God’s Top Ten

Verse: But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33


Mouse trap
Weeds - different kinds and sizes



Bible Story
King Ahab wanted a vineyard that belonged to another man.
Explain what a vineyard is.
It is like a grape farm.
-We have farms that grow wheat and vegetables.
-A vineyard grows grapes
Ahab had plenty of vineyards, but he wanted Naboth's vineyard too.
1. When a person does not live for God, he is never satisfied with what he has or his life. He always wants more or something better.
2. Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard, so bad he would do anything to get it.
3. Ahab was willing to break all the cool rules to get the vineyard.
4. Ahab was greedy and selfish.
5. He wanted it so bad that the thought of owning the vineyard controlled his body and his mind.
His wicked wife, Jezebel, created a plan to have Naboth killed so Ahab could get his vineyard.
1. Jezebel wrote letters to important people in the city saying that Naboth had said bad things against God and King Ahab.
2. Naboth was arrested and had to go before the entire city. (Like court)
3.The punishment for saying bad things about the king and God was death.
4. Naboth had no way to prove he was innocent.
5. Naboth was killed for nothing.
6. When the king heard Naboth was killed he jumped for joy because he now owned Naboth's vineyard.
God was not happy with King Ahab and Jezebel.
King Ahab was one of the evilest men that ever lived.
God sent a message to the king through Elijah.
Elijah said that King Ahab and Jezebel would be punished for not
obeying God's laws.

5. Those who are selfish will be caught in their own traps.

A. When you wish evil upon another person so that you can get ahead, you set a trap
(Set the rat/mouse trap)
B. When you harm that person to get what you want, you have done great evil.

C. But those who are always selfish get caught in their own traps. (Snap the trap)
1. Jezebel was eaten by dogs
2. King Ahab died in a battle in the very place where Naboth was killed.

1. Gardening
a. This time of year a lot of people plant gardens
b. I was going to plant these pretty seeds, but before I do there is something important I need to do
c. Can you guess?
d. Pull out all the weeds.
e. Weeds keep the pretty flowers and healthy vegetables from growing.
f. I brought in some weeds to show you
i. Little weeds
ii. Big weeds
iii. Dandelions
1. Weeds are kind of like sin.
a. Some sin is easy to stop or not do -like little weeds
b. Some sin looks really fun/nice - like dandelions
c. Some sin is hard to stop - like addictions

I. If we want to grow up to serve Jesus we need to get sin out of our life
a. God gave us the Cool Rules to help us keep sin out of our lives
b. If we sin or break one of the Cool Rules what should we do?
c. We need to ask God's forgiveness.
d. We need to keep sin out of our lives just like I keep weeds out of my garden.
e. When we sin we need to ask God to forgive us, and then we need to stop sinning.