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review lesson

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God’s top ten




Game: Let’s Make A Deal
1. Choose a volunteer to come up to the front.
2. Explain that they can choose whatever bucket they want, and take home whatever is under that bucket.
3. Ask the person what bucket they want.
4. Have the audience tell what bucket they should choose.
5. Ask the person what bucket they want.
6. Look at what is under another bucket –what you didn’t pick.
7. Now it is not too late to change your mind. Do you want to pick another bucket?
8. What does the audience think you should do?
9. Repeat the above process until you are down to what is under the bucket that they choose. You could even offer them a deal –what is under bucket number __ and what is in my left pocket. (You could have nothing there or you could have something there.)

Prize ideas: diapers, nylons


-This game reminds me of something we are constantly doing - can anyone guess what that is?
-Making choices
-Everyday of our life we have lots of choice to make
-Are we going to get out of bed?
-What are we going to wear?
-What are we going to do in our free time?
-Are we going to stay out of trouble?
-What are we going to watch on TV.?
-Who are we going to play with?
-What are we going to eat?
-We have spent a lot of time this year at Kidz Club learning God’s Top Ten Rules.
-Most of you have memorized these rules. They are written on your heart.
-Now you have a choice to make – Will you obey God’s Top Ten Rules?
-Will you only worship God
-Will you put God first in your life
-Will you refuse to use God’s name as a swear word
-Will you go to church on Sunday
-Will you honor your mom and dad
-Will you forgive others so that you never hate or murder anyone?
-When you get older will you stay pure until you are married and then love only the person you marry?
-Will you refuse to steal anything no matter how bad you want it?
-Will you refuse to lie no matter how hard it seems?
-Will you refuse to be jealous of what others have?
Conclusion: Boys and girls you have some very important choices to make now. But remember the most important choice is will you live for Jesus?