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The Consequences of Not Obeying

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God’s top ten

Verse: If you love me you will obey what I command. John 14:15




Story About A River Monster (Have kids make animal sounds)
Characters: Monkey JR
Mama Monkey
Jeffery Giraffe
Ella Elephant
Henry Hyena

Floats Down the river like a log
Has little beady eyes
Great Big mouth

-All his friends at school talk about the monster-said they’ve seen it
-Goes home does all his work and want to go out to play
-Mother warns him not to go to the river
-Monkey Jr. decides to disobey his mom-she’ll never know
-Goes to through the tall grass to Jeffery giraffe-he refuses to help because it is too dangerous
-Goes past the forest to Ella Elephant –I know your mama doesn’t want you down to the river so she won’t help
-Runs into Henry Hyena – ask what’s wrong- tells where it is- entices the monkey and offers to take him there
-Get to the river and he can’t see anything-he has to cross to the other side
-He steps on a “log” and it swallows him up

1.What can we learn from Monkey Jr.? We should obey rules.
a. His mom wasn’t being mean to him.
b. She knew what has best for him.
c. She didn’t want him to get hurt.

2. Our whole life we are going to have rules to follow
-At home
-At Kidz club
-At school
-In the city

a. People who set rules for us to follow are not being mean to us. They want what is best for us. They do not want us to get hurt.

3. Who’s rules are the very most important to follow?
-God’s rules
-We can learn about God’s rules in God’s book