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Choose your Friends Wisely

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Friends

Verse: Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character 1 Corinthians 15:35


2 volunteers (one bigger than the other)
1 sturdy table


Have Victoria and Emilie come to the front. Have Victoria stand on a table. Instruct Emilie to pull her off the table. Even though Emilie is smaller it is easy for her to pull her big sister off the table because of the laws of gravity.

Now have Victoria stand on the table and try to lift her sister up to her level. Even though Emilie is really light and Victoria can pick up Emilie the laws of gravity make it hard for Victoria to pick up her sister when there height is so much different.


We can learn 2 things from this object lesson:

1. It is easy for the people we hang around to pull us down. This means that if we hang around the wrong types of people it is easy for us to do and become like them.

2. It is almost impossible for us to lift someone up to where you are. A lot of Christian think they are friends with people who are 'bad company' so they can lift them up and help change them. This almost never works.

Things to think about:

1. The Bible teaches us that we are to be the light of the world to other people. How are we to not "hang around bad company" yet be the light of the world?

2. Do you have any relationships that are pulling you down? Maybe you thought you were trying to lift someone up but after today you realize that they were really pulling you down.