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You Can't Bury Sin -Meat

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Love God -Hate Sin

Verse: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is Eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 6:23


3 identical containers.
One should have a piece of fresh raw meat.
One should have a piece of rotten meat.
One should have a piece of beef jerky.


Put a three container in a big box and mark them only so you can tell them a part.


1. God does not like sin.
A. Sin is breaking Gods rules.
B. God made rules to give peace and order in the universe.
C. When anyone breaks the rules God made, he brings trouble on himself.
1. God loves us so much that He hates to see anything destroy our peace and happiness.
2. Since sin looks fun and doesn’t bring harm immediately, so some people are deceive into thinking that it doesn’t hurt at all. Sin is like a stick of dynamite with a long fuse. It sparkles at first and is fun to watch, but it explodes and can cause death.
2. We must learn how to deal with sin.
A. Everyone has sinned, even after we decide to live for Jesus.
1. This does not mean that we are not saved.
2. But we do need to get rid of sin.

Bring out the container with the fresh piece of meat and open it.

B. This piece of meat represents sin.
C. Sin must not be left alone. What will happen to it if we leave it alone out here in the sun?
D. Some people sin and don’t ask God to forgive them.
E. Some people try to hide their sins, thinking that the problem will just go away.

Place the fresh meat in the container and put if back in the large box.

F. Sin that is hidden only gets worse.

Bring out the container with he spoiled meat in it and open it. Have a volunteer come up to smell it. Use a pair of thongs to hold it up for the audience to see. Close the lid and put it away.

1. It doesn’t do any good to hide your sin.
2. This piece of meat has been hidden in this container for a week, and it is rotten. It smells and is disgusting to be around. When we hide our sins the same thing happens on the inside of us. We will just keep getting worse and worse and doing worse things.
3. You are always better off admitting your wrong and confessing your sin to God and those you have wronged.

3. God has a way to get rid of our sins.
A. There is a cost for our sins “the wages of sin is death”
B. Jesus paid the price for our sin. He died in our place on the cross.
B. When we pray and ask forgiveness for our sins, he takes the ugly sin that we have committed and replaces it with good.

Bring out the third container with the beef jerky in it and open it. Take a bite of the beef jerky and give a bite to a couple of kids.

Bible Story:

I want to tell you a story about 2 people in the Bible that tried to cover up their sin, and what happened to them.

In the beginning after God created this big beautiful, he created Adam to take care of the world and enjoy the world. God created a special place for Adam to live called the Garden of Eden. The only problem was that Adam was lonely. God created a helper and a friend for Adam. Her name was Eve. Adam and Eve lived happily in the Garden. God only gave them one rule to follow.

Now I understand that following a lot of rules can be hard. BUT God only gave Adam and Eve one rule to follow. God told Adam and Eve they were not allowed to eat the fruit from one certain tree in the garden. There were hundreds of trees with fruit in the garden so you wouldn’t think that would be too hard to follow.

Adam and Eve had so much fun all day long. Then in the evening God would come and talk to them.

One day they had another visitor in the Garden. It was Satan-the devil. He disguised himself like a snake (Hold up a snake). The devil knew the one rule they had to follow. He hated God and was going to do everything he could to make Adam and Eve disobey God.

It took a little convincing but the devil got Eve to take a bit of the fruit from the tree that God had told them not to eat from. (Have a girl volunteer come and take a bite of an apple) Eve waited for something terrible to happen. Nothing happened and the fruit tasted so good that she ran to Adam and told him that he just had to try this fruit. Adam took a bite. (Have a boy come up and take a bit out of the other side of the apple).

Adam and Eve suddenly felt so bad and upset about what they had done. They went to hide. That night God came to visit them. God called and called their name. Adam and Eve did not answer. They were hiding in the bushes. God already knew what they had done. You cannot hide what you do from God.

Lots of people try to hide their sins. You may be able to hide what you do from your mom, your dad, your older brother or sister, your teacher, and even the police. BUT you can never hide what you do from God.

That was the saddest day since God created the world. God had to tell Adam and Eve they were not allowed to live in the Garden any more because they disobeyed Him. God still loved Adam and Eve but because they disobeyed God, they would have to find a new home. Living in their new home would be a lot harder and a lot more work for them. Adam and Eve would never have the same relationship with God. God would not come to visit them in the evening anymore like He did in the Garden.

What a sad story. We can learn 2 things from this sad story.
1. You cannot hide your sin from God. Maybe you can hide it from your mom, your dad, your brothers and sisters, and even the police. You will never be able to hide it from God.

2. There is a price or a “cost” for sin. Adam and Eve paid the price for their sin. They were kicked out of the Garden. They did not have the relationship with God that they once had, and their decision lead to their death. God never intended for Adam and Eve to grow old and die. He wanted them to live in the Garden forever. Once they sinned and had to move out of the garden they started to grow old and die. They were separated from God.

There is good news – thousands of years after the story of Adam and Eve God sent His son Jesus to the earth. Jesus paid the price for our sin. Sin has a cost-Jesus paid the price. When we decide to live for Jesus, our sins are paid for. We have choice to make. We can either live like Adam and Eve. They were separated from God and they had to pay the price for their sin, or we can live for Jesus who already paid the cost of our sin. When we live for Jesus we are not separated from God like Adam and Eve were. God will talk to us and show us great things just like He did with Adam and Eve in the garden.
