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Intro -Jesus Wants All Of Me

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Jesus Wants All Of Me

Verse: Let every detail of your lives-words, actions, whatever-be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way Colossians 3:17




-We are going to talk about this verse for the next several weeks
-Say the verse in different voices to get the kids use to the verse
-What do you think this verse means?
-I think what this verse is trying to tell us is that JESUS WANTS ALL OF ME.
-When we decide we are going to live for Jesus, He is interested in every part of our life.

Object lesson:

Michelle - Pastor Eric I know that you were disappointed that you could not play the pizza game earlier, so I brought you a present. Let me get it

Eric – (gets excited) A gift for me?!

(Michelle pulls out a pizza)

Michelle - I brought you this pizza. Aren’t you excited? Only I’m not sure I want to give you the whole thing – I think I changed my mind – Here’s a piece. Here I’ll give you another piece. I think I will keep the rest for myself.

Eric – But you said you brought me a gift. Usually when you give someone a gift, you don’t take back half of it. When you give someone a gift you give him or her the entire gift.

Michelle – I know, but I like pizza a lot. I am going to be hungry soon. I don’t want to give up the entire thing. I need to keep some for myself.

Eric – Miss Michelle – I think you are teaching us an important lesson today. You see, when we decide to live for Jesus that means we give Jesus our entire life. That means that we give Jesus everything. Some people have a hard time with this – kind of like you are having a hard time giving the entire pizza to me. There are a lot of people that only give some parts of their lives to Jesus. Some people have areas of their life they do not want to give to Jesus. Remember JESUS WANTS ALL OF ME.

Michelle- so really, if I am going to give you a nice gift, I need to give you this entire pizza. (Eric answers) Just like if we are going to really live for Jesus we need to give Jesus our entire life.

Conclusion: There might be some boys and girls here today who are having a hard time giving their entire life to Jesus, just like I am having a hard time giving this entire pizza to Pastor Eric. We know Jesus wants all of us – our entire life. Today you can decide that you are going to give your entire life to Jesus.

Pray with kids.