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Be Kind

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be Popular With God

Verse: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4: 32


1 girl volunteer (pregnant lady carrying groceries)
2 workers
Men's clothes
Cell phone
1 boy volunteer (the one who helps the lady)
Glass of water
Mixing spoon
Food coloring
Dish of plastic crabs



Introduction: Define Be kind and compassionate

-Ask the kid what they think it means.

-Definition of compassionate: to feel bad for someone or have pity on someone
-ALSO................ to have the desire to help that same person out of their situation

-Definition of kind: affectionate, gentle, considerate, polite, saying nice words, acting nice towards another.

-The Bible commands us to be kind and compassionate towards everyone we meet. Sometimes that might be a pretty tough thing to do.

Narration: One day a lady who was going to have a baby was trying to cross a very busy street with all her groceries. Her groceries were very heavy and the street was very busy. The lady was very tired and could not get across the street.

Suddenly along came a businessman, talking on his cell phone. He looked like a nice man. She though for sure he would help her. Instead he bumped right into her because he didn't watch where he was going. He didn't even say sorry. He just kept on walking.

The lady tried really hard to carry all her bags across the street, but the were just too heavy. What was she to do? Suddenly she saw a very nice looking lady. It looked like this lady was just walking along doing a bit of shopping. The pregnant lady thought for sure she would be able to help. It didn't even look like the lady was in a hurry to go anywhere. The lady stopped and said "hi" to the pregnant lady, and then she kept right on walking. She offered no help at all.

The pregnant lady sat down on the side of the road and she began to cry. What was she going to do? There was no way to get this food home to her family. She was very tired and lonely. When all of a sudden she heard a voice. "Excuse me, ma’am. Excuse me, do you need some help?" It was a little boy. He had just gotten off his school bus and saw the lady crying. He had compassion on the lady. The little boy helped the lady carry her groceries not just across the busy street, but all the way home.

Object Lesson - Mind Alert
-Being kind starts in our mind with the thoughts we think.
-This glass of water represents a mind with clean and pure thoughts (clear glass of water - add a little food coloring).
-When we react to other people in a mean way, we begin to think unclean thoughts and bad ideas.
-You might get really mad at your sister who ruined your book.
-Your brother who called you a name might make you mad
-These bad thoughts are rally thoughts of anger and unforgiveness.
-Now, would anyone like to come and drink this? Is anybody out there thirsty for some food coloring water?
-This is how our minds look when we lose control by reacting in a mean way.
-If you are not in control and God is certainly not in control, who is? --the devil.

-It is important to take time to pray so we are alert and thinking clearly before we react to one another. Then we will react in love and kindness. Then our minds will not become polluted.
-How do we clean our minds when they have been polluted with unforgiveness?
-We ask Jesus to forgive us (add bleach to the colored water). Then Jesus can purify our minds and thoughts as the bleach purified this water.
-It is important to fill our minds with good thoughts of love and kindness. Then our actions will follow what our thoughts are.

Conclusion: Story about crabs
(Hold up a clear dish of water with rubber crabs in it.)
-Talk about crabs-where they live etc . .
-Crabs sometimes act like us.
-If a crab is all-alone in a bucket he will eventually climb out of the bucket.
-If a crab has other crab friends in the bucket, he will never get out.
-Do you know why, Every time a crab is about to crawl out of the bucket, one of his friends will grab him with his pinchers and pull him back in the bucket.
-Every crab wants to beat the other crab to freedom and doesn't want to see his friends get out of the bucket first.
-Is this a good attitude?
-Jesus teaches us that we should treat other the way we would want to be treated.
-10 The next time you are tempted to treat someone in a mean way, think about how you would want to be treated. Then treat that person the way you would want to be treated.