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Christmas- What Lasts Forever

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Holidays

Verse: The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God Lives forever. 1 John 2:17


Disolvo paper
Tall clear glass of water



-What are you going to do for Christmas?
-What are your favorite traditions you family does at Christmas?
-What do you want for Christmas? Write down some of the things on the disolvo paper

-Tell about a tradition
-Tell about one of your favorite presents you got when you were a child.
-Then talk about how that present is gone. You don’t know what happened to it.

(Hold up list of the things the kids want)
-The same thing will probably happen to you.
-You will get just the thing you wanted this Christmas but then in a few years it will be gone.
-Maybe you will forget about it or maybe it will break.

The Bible teaches us “The world and its desires pass away”

(Drop the Christmas list in the water and it will dissolve)

-One day all the things you thought were important this Christmas will pass away. They will be gone.

There is only one gift that lasts forever. Do you know what that is?

The gift of Eternal life.

The Bible says that when we decided to live for Jesus that we receive the gift of Eternal Life.

“The man who does the will of God lives forever.”

Whoever decided to live for Jesus receives the gift of Eternal life.

It is fun to celebrate Christmas. It is fun to get presents and spend time with your family. Just remember in the middle of everything that Christmas is all about Jesus, and that only the gift of Eternal life lasts forever.