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Christmas- What's Inside

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Holidays



2 boxes similar in size
1 sock
Candy for everyone
Things to wrap 2 presents


-Wrap the sock in really pretty paper with a bow. Wrap the candy in old brown paper.


-Who had a fun Christmas?
-Who liked opening their presents?
-What did you get for Christmas?
-Who wishes they had more presents to open?

Object Lesson:
-Today I brought 2 presents with me.
-The class can share whatever is in one of the presents.
-Therefore, as a class, you have to decide what present you want to open and share.
-Give each present to one of the people helping teach - Give each person 1 minute to try and convince the class to open their present.
-Once each person has tried to convince the class what present to open - take a vote by show of hands as to what present the class wants to open.
-Ask some the kids why they chose that present. Ask the opposing kids why they chose the present they did.
-You could take a re-vote.
-Once the class has made it final decision, open the package they did not chose to see what they missed out on.
-Then open the package the class chose.

If they chose the pretty package . . . . It is easy to be fooled into thinking that because something is pretty on the outside, that it is good on the inside. That is not always true. Someone can wear the right clothes, and be good looking on the outside, but inside-their heart might be bad –like this old sock. If we hang around people like this what is going to happen to us?

If they chose the old ugly package . . . . You guys should be congratulated. Many people would have picked the other package without even considering what could be inside this one. It is very important that we don't judge what a person is like by their outwards appearance. We need to look at their heart.

Conclusion: The devil uses this trick all the time-not only just with people. The devil tries to make things that are actually bad for us look very good. He makes sin look exciting and fun. He makes people who are bad influences in our lives look like the greatest heros and friends we could ever have.

Boys and girls if you are going to live for Jesus you need to look and find out what is in a person's heart before you start hanging around them, or before they become your hero.

Boys and girls if you are going to live for Jesus you need to decide if the activity that looks so great on the outside - is really okay with Jesus - what will the consequences be? Can you do that and still walk, talk, and live like Jesus.