Rooms Available3 Hours
Set up & clean up time is included in the price.
Window Room (101)$100.00
Basement Hall (B1)$150.00

Deposit Fee: $50.00 (cash in an envelope)

This must be submitted when the event is approved by the building manager to secure your date. It
must be submitted in a cash envelope. It will be returned in person approximately one week after the
building usage. In the event the Buffalo Dream Center’s facility is damaged, defaced, or if additional
cleaning is needed, the deposit will not be returned. The person signing the application will receive a
letter in the mail explaining, and an invoice for additional charges if necessary.
This deposit will also be kept if you stay longer then agreed up time of the event. You can show up no
earlier than one hour before the event to set up and stay no later than 30 minutes after the event to
clean up.

Full payment is due one week before the event. If we do not receive this payment your event will be
canceled. We accept cash, checks made out to BDC, and Venmo – @Buffalo-DreamCenter. Please put the
name of the event in the memo.

Window Room